6e BCCP, “QuangTri, Annam, late 1949

Rolling Thunder French Indochina war studies for re-enactors

The Indochina Living History small section of Rolling Thunder have done another photo shoot at Military Odyssey 2018 with members of “the Fighting French” and Photographer Phil Royal from “Depth of Field”
to write an uniform study on the 6th BCCP, this time towards the end of 1949.

The French paratroopers in Indochina were the post-WWII elite forces of the French army. They were used as firemen for the Indochinese theatre and wherever a situation needed sorting out, they were engaged.
As Elite troops, their uniform was always quite distinctive from the other French troops and evolved quickly
during the war.

6e Bataillons Colonial de Commandos Parachutistes

 6e BCCP was created July 1948 in Quimper Brittany, arrived in Indochina in Saigon in July 1949. 
They fought in Annam South Vietnam until middle of 1950. 
After the disaster of the RC4 and Cao Bang, the battalion was transferred to the Hanoi, Tonkin, North Vietnam 
where it will fight until July 1951when it will return to France.  

Setting the scene 

The 6th BCCP is conducting clearing operation around Quang Tri in Annam late 1949. (South Vietnam)

Original photo of the 6th BCCP around Quang Tri in late 1949 which inspired our photoshoot.

6th BCCP . 
“Bataillon Colonial Commando parachutistes” circa 1949/50 this battalion will become later on the 6th BCP and one of the most famous Para battalions in the French army having been commanded by Bigeard in Indochina and Algeria and having fought at Dien Bien Phu.


The photo shoot was a combine operation between members of Rolling Thunder and The Fighting French at Military Odyssey 2018 and our official photographer was Phil Royal from “Depth of Field” (photo aged by myself).


Uniform & Equipment description

You will find in these re-enacted photos a mixture of U.S. WWII uniforms and equipment.

Our “Tireur au FM” is wearing a US Army M43 camo HBT jacket with the standard green M43 HBT trousers. The beret is in country made out of recycled uniforms and was the standard headgear for the 6th BCCP at the time. He is wearing the M45 French army ankle boot.

Webbing consisted of a US M1936 belt, with the in theatre made grenade pouch as well as a EO holster for his hand gun, a M1910 canteen with cover, a Baguette M35 ( FM cleaning rod ), a British 37 pattern ammo pouch for the rest of the FM cleaning kit as well as an 37 pattern small pack with a US folding shovel and M35 French quarter shelter tucked in. You can also see a length of parachute silk used to wrap up at night to keep warm which is a lot lighter to carry than a blanket. In addition he carries ammo for the French FM in a bag.

Weapons are FM24/29, MAB hand gun and two DF-37 grenades.

His assistant gunner/ “pourvoyeur” has decided to wear a French bush hat
which offered better protection against rain and sun.
He is wearing the US army M43 camo HBT jacket and trousers.
His webbing and equipment is all British M37 pattern
apart from the M44 pattern water bottle/cover. You can also see a French M35 quarter shelter.

You will notice that he armed with a MAS36, rarely used by the French para,
but used by the 6th BCCP circa 1949-50

3rd man is a “Sergeant Chef” senior NCO, wearing all US Army M43 green HBT uniform, British gaiters on his French ankle boots, British ammo pouches on a US M36 pistol belt, with theater made grenade pouch and a US M3 fighting knife. His weapon is the German MP40, again used by the 6th BCCP during that period

The last man of our group is probably an officer looking at the binoculars, wrist compass on his sleeve and the British Airborne map case. He is wearing the M43 US army camo HBT uniform with theater made camo beret. His foot wear are the US M43 combat/buckle boots. A US M1910 canteen and cover attached to the buckles of an inverted British 37 pattern belt, a couple of theater made grenade pouches as well as an EO holster with a Colt 45 and a M3 knife complete his webbing.
Interesting to note that during that period webbing suspenders were rarely seen on the photos taken.
Our man is also equipped with a US demo bag probably used to carry his personal gear,
a M1 carbine and a SCR-536 radio.

US Army M43 camo HBT uniform mostly worn by the 6th in 1949/50

The camo beret worn at that time were locally made from new re-tailored or used uniform.
This beret is a 4 piece construction type which is a little less common than the 3 piece type,
the head band is made of vinyl but head band made of the same material were also common.head band is made of vinyl

Please note the equipment and uniforms described here are time specific for the 6th BCCP

The information published is to my/our best knowledge and may be altered if new information is uncovered.
Article written by JLD from Rolling Thunder, The Vietnam Experience, March 2020

Our thanks goes to my friends and re-enactors and for taking part in this photoshoot. 

All photos are from Phil Royal “Depth of Field” nothing should be re-use without our prior consent!