Brief explanation of the Vietnam war

The country of Vietnam is situated across the other side of the world in Southeast Asia.
This country may not mean a lot to many people,
but during the last century two full-scale wars raged on.

The first one called the French IndoChina war, was fought between 1946-1954 by France (with financial help from the US late in the war) against the Viet-Minh, (Vietnamese Communist) supported by China. This was a Colonial war with the French trying to hold on to their old Colonies acquired in the mid to late 1800, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (Cochinchine, Annam and Tonkin).

The second one, the Vietnam War was fought between 1965-1974, by America and its Allies against the North Vietnamese and the Communist powers of China and Russia to stop the "Domino Effect". This conflict was known by many as the Ten Thousand day War.

During the late stages of WW2 and the Korean war, we saw a rapid progression of warfare technology with the invention of the V1 & V2 Rockets, Early Warning Radar, fighter and bomber jets, helicopters and not forgetting the Nuclear Bombs dropped on Japan.

The Vietnam War saw new technology in full swing with new vehicles like helicopters and jets being massively deployed as well as increase in weaponry effectiveness and destructive capability.

Between 1969 and 1971, two and half million tons of bombs were dropped on Vietnam compared to two million tons dropped during the entirety of WW2. (1939 – 1945) .