French Indochina side caps "Calot"

The French Side caps “Bonnet de Police ” or also called “Calot” traced its origins to the Napoleonic wars
when it was worn by the Grenadiers and Dragoons as a garrison hat.
It became very bland by WWI adopting the colour of the field uniform.
But its original colourful aspect started to re-appear during the later part of WWII with NCO and Officers from
the Free French Forces obtaining private issue side caps to differentiate themselves from the sea of Allied OD uniforms, the side cap adopted the colour of tradition of the branch of the military they served with.
These were not officially approved until the 13 November 1946 when the standard issue Model 46 was distributed.
This side cap soon became a “Coiffure de Tradition” and was used as a garrison, duty and also
as part of the dress uniform during the Indochina war.
Its shape was altered officially in 1947 and then again in 1957.
By the end of 1962 it was replaced by the beret.

The study will consist of the most encountered models in Indochina,
the plain tan or kaki types were also used in Indochina but are not illustrated in that small article.

The M57 is only shown for reference
and for comparison with the taylor made/private issue ones
which were popular with cadres during the Indochina War and often resemble what will become the M57.

The top “calot” is a “Private Issue” and the type that a lot of cadres had made by tailors from WWII to 1962. As you can see they both have the fashionable “Banana shape” which does vary in profile from one maker to another, so making the private issue ones difficult to date accurately unless they have a makers label. This one was probably made during the Algerian war looking at the Label and the construction. (see below).

** For your information, the M57 is the last model manufactured and is representative of the Algerian war,
despite the fact the M46 and M47 was still in use right up to 1962. ***

Another tailor made this time during the Indochina war as this came from
the estate of an NCO from the 61st CCR, this company only served in Indochina,
No makers tag, so unknow as where it was manufactured, this came with his shoulder company patch.
Unfortunately I missed his photo album who was purchased by another collector who did very kindly supplied me
with copies of his photos.

The man who the above side cap belong to
here with the Rank of Marechal des Logis – Chef,
Photo taken at Tan Son Nhut in 1952

Two members of Rolling Thunder, wearing the M46 “Calot” of the Train.

The Corps of Transport “Train” was issued from the cavalry and officers and NCO often wore
two little buttons on the front of their cap seen on the “calot” of the NCO on the left (silver for the cavalry).
The single silver bar is his “locally made” NCO rank of “Marechal des Logis” “Sergeant”.

Photo taken by Sean Vatcher at War and Peace Revival show in July 2015

The information published is to my/our best knowledge and may be altered if new information is uncovered.
Article written by JLD from Rolling Thunder, The Vietnam Experience, February 2019

All photos are from our collection unless stated and nothing should be re-use without our prior consent!